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Dryad featured in TOP 10 GreenTech or CleanTech Startups to Watch in 2021 by GlobalTech Outlook

Carsten Brinkschulte

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

We made it to the Top 10 GreenTech or CleanTech Startups to watch out for in 2021 published by GlobalTech Outlook.

Global Tech Outlook follows the trends, opinions, and visions of top industry pioneers and leaders to influence the cognizance of emerging players. GlobalTech Outlook writes that "Today, the modern world is at a stalemate. Unsustainable development, the depletion of fossil fuels, and the growth of global warming have brought us to a point of catastrophe. Our only choice is to move towards a more sustainable way of life, and as a result, people, companies, and governments have been moving toward a cleaner and greener solution which is called as GreenTech or CleanTech startups."

You can check out the list of TOP 10 GreenTech Startups to watch, featuring Dryad Networks here.

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