Dryad Networks is exhibiting at the 6th KWF Theme Days in Germany under the theme "Forest of the future - design now". The event is held from March 31st to April 2nd at the invitation of the Ministry of Economics, Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry of the German State of Saxony-Anhalt (MULE).
At the KWF Theme Days, current forest fire research findings and practices are discussed and demonstrated to what extent they can result in increased forest fire resilience. During 3 days of the event, Dryad, along with other forest technology companies, practically demonstrate work processes and products on a circular route. Additionally, expert discussions and podium events fill out the diverse content of the high-quality specialist program. There are numerous possibilities here to learn more on how to make Germany's forests more sustainable in these 3 days.
For more information about the KWF theme days and how to reserve your ticket, please visit the website:
About KWF
The association "Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik eV (KWF)" is concerned with the sustainable management and use of forests and wood, while taking into account environmental, occupational, and consumer protection, as well as owner objectives and societal expectations.
The KWF eV is kindly supported by the European Forest Institute as part of the forest-climate-resilience research project: www.waldbrand-klima-resilienz.com.